ESP 150 – Field Immersion Weekend

students around the campfire
Enjoying the campfire – Field Immersion 2022

This course is designed to teach basic environmental science field skills in an intensive weekend format and to foster a sense of community among the ESP learning community. The course includes components on forest, soil, wildlife, and aquatic systems. Basic orienteering and map reading, topographical surveying, GPS operation, and dichotomous key use are emphasized. Students will explore environmental career options and form the foundation for a network in developing professional relationships.

KAO Honors Society

New Inductees into KAO’s Zeta Chapter, December 2024.

Kappa Alpha Omicron (KAO) is the international student honor society in Interdisciplinary Environmental Science/Study chartered under the Interdisciplinary Environmental Association. USM is the zeta chapter approved in 2012.

KAO is designed to offer students working on interdisciplinary environmental issues a hub for networking across disciplines and countries and much-needed recognition for the outstanding interdisciplinary work being performed in this rapidly expanding and much needed academic discipline.

Formal invitation to join KAO comes from ESP faculty and is based on academic achievement (as determined by GPA) and service. It is open to all ESP majors and any student pursuing a minor offered by ESP.

More info for current students – KAO Zeta Chapter

ESP Student Group

group shot - student group 2022
The ESP Student Group participating in Earth Day clean up.

Our Mission: To promote environmental awareness, activism, and enjoyment through participation in community service, education, and outdoor activities.

History: The ESP Student Group was founded in 1995 by a small group of our first students to foster involvement and community. The mission and focus remains since our founding.

Meetings: Late each spring, new Student Group officers are elected: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Event Coordinator, and representative to Board of Student Organizations (BSO). Monthly meeting times vary each year depending on the Group’s activities and the officers’ schedules and planning needs. Meetings center on upcoming activities, issues, and fundraising.

Events: The group organizes various activities and events depending on interests, commitments, and tradition. Most events include a community outreach or outdoor activity such as hiking, canoeing, or snowshoeing. Traditionally, the group hosts a Welcome Back Picnic in September and an Earth Day event. Each year the group volunteers work with local programs that promote environmental awareness, conservation, and education.

More info for current students


The department listserv is our main means of communicating with students and alumni about jobs, internships and events.

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