Oct. 4 – Dec. 9, 2018.
USM Art Gallery
View the online OTHERED catalog.
The OTHERED exhibition is part of Daniel Minter’s USM artist residency during the fall of 2018. We thank The Warren Memorial Foundation for their sponsorship of this residency and resulting catalog. Malaga Island is a small island on the coast of Maine that in 1912 the State purchased, ordered the mixed-race fishing community to leave, removed the buildings and exhumed the cemetery. USM Artist-in-Residence Daniel Minter, known for his visual storytelling, recalls this complex story with paintings, assemblage, and a small house in the gallery filled with historical photographs and archeological artifacts relaying a sense of place, loss, emptiness, and wholeness. Minter states: I imagine that the people of Malaga Island were able to maintain the sense of an inner home even at a time when every outward representation of home was being taken away. The image of the person standing in the water; the turbulent calm of the body and visage are reminders that in the face of eradication we may disappear but our spirits are not diminished. Our physical home is shallow whereas the depth of our inner home cannot be measured.
Exhibition images