Welcome to the USM MIST Lab. The MIST Lab strives to provide access to a wide range of useful and well-maintained equipment and training, as well as a project space. The MIST Lab seeks to keep a safe and secure environment and facilities suitable for design, fabrication, collaboration and learning activities. MIST Lab users are expected to respect the rights of others, the integrity of the MIST Lab resources, and the community mission of the MIST Lab.
- Please review MIST user information and policies before using the MIST and fill out the MIST project application to start.
- Users are welcome to reserve the MIST spaces for events, workshops, and experiential learning spaces. More information on hosting events at MIST can be found here.
- Users are required to sign in and sanitize their hands at the front desk upon entry. Users may be required to present a USM ID when asked.
We expect all users to practice common sense to respect MIST facilities and equipment. Work spaces, tools and equipment should be returned to working order for next users. The following rules apply to use of equipment and computers within the Makerspace and supplement University-wide policies on use of computing resources.
- Use of computing resources is a privilege that depends on individuals using the resources appropriately and in accordance with University policies and local, state, and federal laws. These laws and policies cover such areas as illegal access to computer systems, networks, and files, copyright, and harassment issues.
- At times, the demand for equipment and computer usage could exceed availability. You are asked to be sensitive to the needs of others and limit equipment and computer use during times of heavy demand. The MIST Lab may take additional steps to regulate equipment and computer use, such as requiring reservations and setting time limits.
- Users should demonstrate respect for individuals’ rights to privacy and freedom from intimidation or harassment. You are asked to be sensitive to the fact that some on-screen images, sounds, or messages create an atmosphere of intimidation or harassment for others. The MIST Lab may take steps to maintain an environment conducive to its intended uses.
- Use of computers for recreational purposes such as game playing deters others from using these workstations for their intended purposes to support design and fabrication activities. The MIST Lab may intervene to ensure optimal access to computers for these purposes.
- We welcome the use of laptops and other personal computing devices in the MIST Lab. Users may connect personal equipment only to the wireless network, or to ports designated for such use. Use of personal equipment, such as extension, adaptor, or power cords must not pose a safety hazard for others.
- Please fill out the MIST project application to start.
- All tools and equipment in the MIST Lab must remain in the MIST at all times unless given special permission by the director.
- Some of the equipment located in the MIST Lab may contain aspects, parts, or components that will cause injury to the user if all rules, policies, procedures, and restrictions are not followed. Users agree to release and hold the USM MIST Lab harmless from any claims of personal injury, property damage, or any other loss in connection with the use of the MIST Lab, including the equipment, tools, and materials therein.
- The MIST Lab does provide some material for student use for some equipment. If projects require a significant amount of material over what the Lab can provide then it is the student’s responsibility to purchase materials for their projects. Ask MIST Lab staff for help sourcing material that will work with MIST Lab equipment. Failure to report material usage or going significantly over the allotted amounts provided by the MIST Lab will result in suspension of MIST Lab privileges.
- MIST is a prototyping facility not a manufacturing facility.
- Users will ask for help before using equipment they are unfamiliar with or have not used in the MIST Lab before.
- Accidents, Near-misses, and injuries must be reported to MIST Lab staff immediately.
- Please put up a sign for a broken or malfunctioning instrument and let our staff know.
- Users WILL NOT use the MIST Lab to create any objects that endanger anyone, including weapons. The MIST Lab will not print any object that may function as a weapon or part of a weapon.
- Users will practice best judgement and not print anything pornographic.
- We do not recommend running instruments unattended. MIST is not responsible for unattended print jobs and projects. MIST has the right to abort the print as needed. Users must sit with their machines for the duration that they are on; MIST staff is not responsible for monitoring 3D printers, Laser Cutters, Kilns, Vacuum Molder, Vinyl Cutters, etc. for the duration of their usage. The MIST Lab assumes no responsibility for projects that are unable to be completed within open hours.
- We have lockers available just outside the lab for storage of project materials. Ask MIST staff for availability and regulations.
- Users who fail to comply with these policies may have access privileges suspended or revoked.

- When you hear the evacuation alarm, discover a fire or chemical spill emergency, smell smoke or the
odor of burning, verbally warn others in the area and report to your instructor or MIST tech. - Activate the Fire Alarm system and evacuate the Building.
- Evacuation routes and protocols are posted in the lab 1) next to the storage cabinets and 2) the reception
Area. In the event of a fire, exit the building using the route specified. - Do not use the elevators in the event of a fire.
- Persons with disabilities should wait in the stairwell for assistance.
- Do not attempt to put out the fire yourself.
- Call 911 or USM Campus Safety 207-780-5211 to report the fire
- Once outside, meet at the picnic tables between Science Building and Luther Bonney and await further
instruction. - We will account for all attendees at the rally point. The most senior staff will be in charge of personnel
The USM MIST Lab is intended as a community innovation space, and is open to USM faculty, staff, students, and external users and project partners. Use of the MIST Lab does not create any intellectual property obligations for the user; in other words, no new “strings” are added by use of the MIST Lab facility. However, MIST also supports commercial intended projects which will be protected. The advanced prototyping lab and the APIS space will not be open to general users without permission.
Any existing Intellectual Property (“IP”) obligations that apply to what a user brings into or creates in the USM MIST Lab cannot be eliminated simply by use of the MIST Lab facility, however. For example, IP obligations from an employment agreement or employer policy, whether that employer is USM or a private company, may apply to what a user creates in the USM MIST Lab (or what that user creates at home in their garage) if that creation is related to their work for that employer.
Further detail for USM employees and students regarding existing general IP obligations to USM can be found here.
For the sake of clarity, the use of the facility, equipment, supplies, or staff support will not create any obligation for USM employees and students to report inventions or assign said inventions to the University.