Richard Pearson Thomas, composer and pianist, has a long list of credits to his name in the field of music and composing. The Osher School of Music at the University of Southern Maine is pleased to welcome him to the Gorham campus for a two-day residency this week with the School’s composers and vocalists.
On Thursday, Feb. 9 from 3 to 5 p.m., and Friday, Feb. 10 from 2 – 4 p.m., Thomas will give two master classes for pairs of composers and vocalists. Each composer has written an original piece to be sung by the vocalist, and the piece will be performed then receive critical review from the master. These two master classes help to prepare the students for the Friday night performance of all of these works, as well as works by Richard Pearson Thomas.
Students performing in one of the two master classes, and/or in the evening performance include student composers: Scott Barber, Manon Berger; Blaine Bickford, Ryer Jackson, Alma Kenow; Robin Lane; Michael Overko, Ted Merrill, Jacob Miller, Matthew Nelson, and Nicholas Rhodes.
Vocalists include Dylan Cao, tenor; Lizzy Fogg, mezzo-soprano; Kaleigh Hunter, soprano; Sarah Krause, soprano; Sarah Larson, soprano; Valerie Lind, mezzo-soprano; Rita Micklus, mezzo-soprano; Michael Mitchell, tenor; Annah Poland, soprano; Caleb Randall, tenor; Rachel Scala, soprano; Nick Sutton, baritone; Dylan Thomas, tenor; Sophie Thompson, soprano; and Caroline Woods, soprano;
Both master classes are free and open to the public. The evening concert on Friday, Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. is ticketed, $15 general, $10 seniors, students, USM faculty, and staff. Learn more and purhase tickets at usm.maine.edu/music/events.
For more info, visit the Osher School of Music events page at: https://usm.maine.edu/calendar-of-events/events/tag/music/