Due to limited resources, parking is not free on our Portland and Gorham campuses. You must purchase a parking permit or paid parking session (or use a validation or promo code provided by a University department) to park on campus.

You don’t need to display a physical permit or receipt on your vehicle (with the exception of carpool driver and rider permits). Our license plate recognition (LPR) technology takes a picture of your license plate to validate your paid or validated parking session or permit.

Why do we charge for parking?

Finding parking at the University of Southern Maine (USM) can be a challenge at times, particularly on our Portland campus.

A paid parking system helps us manage the demand for parking spaces, motivates people to choose alternative transportation methods, and contributes to the upkeep of our facilities including:

  • Repairs, cleaning, and other maintenance
  • Technology implementation and enhancements
    • e.g., the ParkEngage system
  • Safety and security measures
    • e.g., surveillance cameras, lighting, security personnel
  • EV charging technology and maintenance
  • METRO Husky Line costs

Parking rates

If you park infrequently on campus, you can pay an hourly, daily, or overnight rate instead of purchasing a monthly or yearly permit.

NOTE: Non-permit rates are different for our Portland and Gorham campuses.

Pay to park in advance
Rate typeCost
Standard vehicle$4.15/hour
Oversized vehicle, bus, & trailer*$8.30/hour
Day pass (7:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.)$16/day
Overnight (11:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.)$24/night
Portland citywide snow ban$4.15 for the duration
Disability parkingContact us for validation
All rates and additional fees are subject to change.
*If you’re hauling a trailer, you must complete an additional transaction with the trailer’s license plate number.

NOTE: Each transaction total includes an additional convenience fee, which supports the maintenance and improvement of our ParkEngage system, ensuring reliable service and customer support.

  • Scan a QR code to pay = $0.85 convenience fee
  • Text-to-pay option = $0.85 convenience fee
  • Paystation = $0.85 convenience fee
  • Pay to park in advance = $1 convenience fee
Park in Portland
Rate typeCost
Standard vehicle$1.05/hour
Oversized vehicle, bus, & trailer*$2.10/hour
Day pass (7:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.)$6/day
Overnight (11:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.)$12/night
Disability parkingContact us for validation
All rates and additional fees are subject to change.
*If you’re hauling a trailer, you must complete an additional transaction with the trailer’s license plate number.

NOTE: Each transaction total includes an additional convenience fee, which supports the maintenance and improvement of our ParkEngage system, ensuring reliable service and customer support.

  • Scan a QR code to pay = $0.85 convenience fee
  • Text-to-pay option = $0.85 convenience fee
  • Paystation = $0.85 convenience fee
  • Pay to park in advance = $1 convenience fee
Park in Gorham

If you park on campus frequently (daily, weekly, or even monthly), we recommend purchasing a permit instead of paying hourly or daily rates. There’s no physical permit to display on your vehicle (with the exception of carpool driver and rider permits).

Our parking permits allow you to park on our Portland, Gorham, and Lewiston campuses unless otherwise noted in your permit documentation.

Take this quiz to get the information you need about our parking permits.

Parking permit audience quiz
Which of the following best describes you?

NOTE: Parking on our Lewiston-Auburn campus is free.

We define a grace period as the amount of time allowed for you to start a paid or validated parking session — or purchase a permit — after entering a parking lot or garage on campus.

Grace periods are intended for quick stops, student or camper drop-offs and pick-ups, loading, and unloading.

You must start a paid or validated parking session or purchase a parking permit before the allotted grace period is up — or before you move your car to a second space — or you will be fined.

Portland campus

You must start a paid or validated parking session within 30 minutes of parking on our Portland campus.

If you made a mistake and/or plan to move your vehicle to another parking space on our Portland campus, you must start your parking session before you move your vehicle.

Gorham campus

You must start a paid or validated parking session within 60 minutes of parking on our Gorham campus.

If you made a mistake and/or plan to move your vehicle to another parking space on our Gorham campus, you must start your parking session before you move your vehicle.

NOTE: Parking on our Lewiston-Auburn campus is free.

Step-by-step paid or validated parking: QR code or text-to-pay

NOTE: You cannot extend a validated parking session beyond its allotted time or you will be fined. For any additional time parked on campus, you must start a new parking session and pay our standard hourly rates.

NOTE: Parking on our Lewiston-Auburn campus is free.

There is a sign at the entrance to each parking lot or garage, and smaller signs are mounted on poles.

An example of a pole-mounted PAY HERE sign.

If you don’t have a smartphone or a current University parking permit

  • Use one of our walk-up paystations in the Portland campus parking garages or in 3 areas of the Gorham campus.
  • If your phone can connect to the internet, use our text-to-pay option.
  • Pay or or validate your parking session from a computer with internet access before you arrive on campus. Please note that we cannot guarantee a parking spot will be available when you arrive on campus

If you don’t have access to a computer

  • Locate our staff in the basement of the Abromson Community Education Center (just inside the door from Parking Garage 1 on the Portland campus) during business hours to purchase a parking permit or pay for an individual parking session.

You can choose to scan the QR code or text the parking zone number to 559-922-2660. The zone number is different for each parking lot or garage.

You’ll receive a new text message from 509-260-8793 with a link. Open the link and the rest of the process is the same as if you had scanned the QR code.

In this example, the Zone number is 50110, so you would text 50110 to 559-922-2660.

An example of a pole-mounted PAY HERE sign.

License plate: Include dashes but don’t include spaces, dots, hearts, stars, or other special characters.

Phone number: Enter your full, 10-digit mobile phone number (include the area code).

Each hourly segment shows the cost. There’s also an option for a full day.

If you aren't sure how long you'll be on campus, we recommend that you err on the side of too much time for your parking session. If you plan to park for more than 5 hours, choose the day rate option.

Your paid or validated parking session doesn’t carry over to another USM campus.

If you visit both our Portland and Gorham campuses in one day, you will need to start a new paid or validated parking session for each campus.

For example: If you tour our Gorham campus in the morning and then our Portland campus after lunch, you’ll need to start a new paid or validated parking session for each campus tour. (Or vice versa.)

Enter the validation or promo code you were given into the Validation Code field and tap Apply.

If your parking validation or promo code was provided to you as a QR code, tap the small QR code next to the Apply link to scan the code you were given.

Make sure to double-check your details before you start your parking session.

We don’t provide refunds for typos or other user mistakes.

Our privacy policy and additional parking-related information appear below the Start Parking button.

Make sure to start your session within our grace period to avoid getting fined.

What are the grace periods?

NOTE: Your credit card won’t be charged until 30 minutes after you leave campus.

You'll receive a text message confirmation with your parking session details.

Walk-up paystations powered by ParkEngage

You can find a paystation in high-traffic areas on our Gorham and Portland campuses (parking on our Lewiston-Auburn campus is free). You don't need a smartphone to use a paystation.

You can pay with credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.

NOTE: Parking on our Lewiston-Auburn campus is free.

A USM ParkEngage paystation with the home screen displayed on the terminal.
Portland campus
  • Parking Garage 1 in the lobby (on garage level 1)
  • Parking Garage 2 by the entrance
Gorham campus
  • Inside the Costello Complex
  • By the Ice Arena
  • Lot G3 by Bailey Hall
    • Enter from Water Tower Rd. or University Way
    • Use this paystation if you park near Russell Hall or Corthell Hall
What are the grace periods?
A closeup of a USM ParkEngage paystation terminal with the home screen displayed and the New Parking button circled.

If the screensaver is on, tap the screen to get started.

Tap the New Parking button on the screen.

A closeup of a USM ParkEngage paystation terminal with the New Parking screen displayed and the license plate and mobile phone fields circled.

NOTE: If you don’t have access to a smartphone or mobile phone, provide your email address to get your receipt.

License plate: Include dashes but don’t include spaces, dots, hearts, stars, or other special characters.

Phone number: Enter your full, 10-digit mobile phone number (include the area code).

We don’t require both your mobile phone number and email address. However, you must provide one or the other to receive:

  • Your e-ticket/receipt
  • A link to extend your paid parking session
  • A reminder alert 15 minutes before your current session expires

Enter the validation or promo code you were given into the Validation Code field and tap Apply.

A closeup of a USM ParkEngage paystation terminal with the New Parking screen displayed and the duration section circled.

The parking fee total adjusts automatically based on your selection.

Your parking expiration time appears in the top-right corner of the screen and adjusts automatically based on your selection.

NOTE: You cannot extend a validated parking session beyond its allotted time or you will be fined. For any additional time parked on campus, you must start a new parking session and pay our standard hourly rates.

A closeup of a USM ParkEngage paystation terminal with the New Parking screen displayed and the payment button circled.

Your parking fee total will appear on the next screen.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Apply Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. Credit cards can be inserted, tapped, or swiped.

NOTE: Your credit card won’t be charged until 30 minutes after you leave campus.

Your parking session e-ticket ID will appear on the paystation screen.

You’ll also receive a text message and/or email with your parking session details.

If you have a smartphone, you can get your parking session details by using the camera app to scan the QR code that appears on the paystation screen (tap the link that appears if prompted).

Your parking session expiration time is located in the top right-hand corner of the information you received after scanning the QR code or tapping the link in a text message or email.

NOTE: You cannot extend a validated parking session beyond its allotted time or you will be fined. For any additional time parked on campus, you must start a new parking session and pay our standard hourly rates.

A closeup of a USM ParkEngage paystation terminal with the home screen displayed and the Extend Parking button circled.
Portland campus
  • Parking Garage 1 in the lobby (on garage level 1)
  • Parking Garage 2 by the entrance
Gorham campus
  • Inside the Costello Complex
  • By the Ice Arena
  • Lot G3 by Bailey Hall
    • Enter from Water Tower Rd. or University Way
    • Use this paystation if you park near Russell Hall or Corthell Hall

If the screensaver is on, tap the screen to get started.

Tap the Extend Parking button on the screen.

Extend your session from a smartphone

Open the e-ticket you received (by text or email) when you initiated your parking session and tap the Extend Parking button.

Follow the prompts to add more time to your paid parking session.

The paystation will prompt you to swipe or tap your original method of payment to access your e-ticket.

The parking fee total adjusts automatically based on your selection.

Your remaining session time appears in the top-right corner of the screen and adjusts automatically based on your selection.

Your new parking fee total will appear on the next screen.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Apply Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. Credit cards can be inserted, tapped, or swiped.

You’ll receive a new text message and/or email with your updated parking session information.

If you have a smartphone, you can get your updated parking session details by using the camera app to scan the QR code that appears on the paystation screen (tap the link that appears if prompted).

Your new parking session expiration time is located in the top right-hand corner of the new information you receive after extending your session.

If you experience any difficulty with your payment via paystation, QR code scan, or text-to-pay link, please email ParkEngage customer support at usm.support@parkengage.com.

Other ways to pay

University visitors & guests

If you’re attending an event or were invited by a specific department, you may have been given a validation or promo code that covers some or all of your parking costs.

For specific details about your validation or promo code, check with the department that provided it to you.

To start a paid parking session, locate a PAY HERE sign with a QR code to scan (and a text-to-pay option) or a paystation and enter the validation or promo code you were given into the Validation Code field.

You must start your paid parking session within the allotted grace period for each campus.

What are the grace periods?

NOTE: You cannot extend a validated parking session beyond its allotted time or you will be fined. For any additional time parked on campus, you must start a new parking session and pay our standard hourly rates.

Events hosted by staff, faculty, & students

To provide free or discounted parking rates for your event attendees, you must submit your request at least 3 business days before your event date.

Get cost & option details Request parking validation

NOTE: To complete the request form, you’ll need to know your department billing codes. We need a processed interdepartmental order (IDO) to process parking validation requests.

University visitors & guests

If you were invited to campus by a specific department, you may have been given a parking pass that validates all of your parking costs.

For specific details about your parking pass, check with the department that provided it to you.

NOTE: You cannot extend a validated parking session beyond its allotted time or you will be fined. For any additional time parked on campus, you must start a new parking session and pay our standard hourly rates.

Events hosted by staff, faculty, & students

To provide free or discounted parking rates for your event attendees, you must submit your request at least 3 business days before your event date.

Get cost & option details Request parking validation

NOTE: To complete the request form, you’ll need to know your department billing codes. We need a processed interdepartmental order (IDO) to process parking validation requests.

If you’re coming to campus for a specific event, there may be a ParkEngage tablet available at your destination. You can use it to start your paid parking session.

These tablets use the same screens and steps as our walk-up paystations.

Tablet locations:

  • Osher School of Music events
  • Theatre events
  • Conference Services events
  • Admissions events
  • Glickman Family Library

If you’re a Sea Dogs fan who frequents Hadlock Field, you’ve probably received a confirmation email from SpotHero after reserving parking in our Portland campus garage or the lot next to the former Maine Law building.

SpotHero is a third-party service that allows visitors to reserve parking on campus via an online search for area parking. It helps us fill under-used parking areas, like Lot P6 (by the former Maine Law building), and extra space in the parking garages.

SpotHero is a separate vendor from ParkEngage and Pave Mobility.

Pay online in advance

You may pay to park at USM ahead of time. However, we cannot guarantee a parking spot will be available when you arrive on campus.

Our busiest or peak parking hours are Monday – Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. So make sure to give yourself plenty of time to find a parking space.

Pay to park in advance

NOTE: Parking on our Lewiston-Auburn campus is free.

The following is a step-by-step guide through the advanced payment process. If you get stuck and need help, contact us.

NOTE: You don’t need to create a ParkEngage account to pay in advance.

Pay to park in advance

From the Reserved Parking Zone dropdown, select any parking lot or garage for the campus you plan to park on. You’ll be covered for the entire campus, regardless of the zone you select on that campus, during the time you select in the next step.

For example: If you choose Portland Campus – P6, you can park in any parking lot or garage on the Portland campus that’s available for visitor parking.

Your paid or validated parking session doesn’t carry over to another USM campus.

If you visit both our Portland and Gorham campuses in one day, you will need to start a new paid or validated parking session for each campus.

For example: If you tour our Gorham campus in the morning and then our Portland campus after lunch, you’ll need to start a new paid or validated parking session for each campus tour. (Or vice versa.)

Select your start and end dates and times (in 15-minute increments) for when you plan to arrive on campus and when you plan to leave.

If you aren't sure how long you'll be on campus, we recommend that you err on the side of too much time for your parking session. If you plan to park for more than 5 hours, choose the day rate option.

The total amount due will automatically adjust based on your selections and includes a processing fee.

The approximate drive-time between each of our campuses depends on traffic:

  • ~25 minutes to drive between our Gorham and Portland campuses
  • ~45 minutes to drive between our Portland and Lewiston-Auburn campuses
  • ~45 minutes to drive between our Lewiston-Auburn and Gorham campuses

Click or tap the Next button.

If you have a validation or promo code, look for the Apply Promo Code checkbox.

Enter the code in the Promo Code field that appears after you check the box, and click or tap the Apply button.

The total amount due will automatically adjust to reflect what the code covers.

NOTE: You cannot extend a validated parking session beyond its allotted time or you will be fined. For any additional time parked on campus, you must start a new parking session and pay our standard hourly rates.

We require an email address and a phone number to complete your transaction.

Phone number: Enter your full, 10-digit mobile phone number (include the area code). Enter a mobile phone number to receive text messages about your parking session.

Click or tap the Next button.

License plate: Include dashes but don’t include spaces, dots, hearts, stars, or other special characters.

NOTE: It’s important to review your vehicle information for any typos or incorrect selections. If your information is wrong you could receive a fine.

Click or tap the Next button.

Make sure to double-check that your payment information is correct or you will encounter an error on the next screen.

If you have a validation or promo code that covers the entire cost of your parking session, you won’t need to include your credit card information.

NOTE: Each transaction total includes an additional $1 convenience fee, which supports the maintenance and improvement of our ParkEngage system, ensuring reliable service and customer support.

If you don’t agree to our terms & conditions, you cannot complete this transaction.

NOTE: If you have a validation or promo code that covers the entire cost of your parking session, you still need to accept our terms and conditions.

Your purchase details will display alongside a Thank You for Booking message once your credit card is processed.

Your ticket ID, start and end date(s) and times, and the parking zone you selected appear on the screen.

There’s a link to learn more about parking on campus and a link to directions from Google Maps.

You can scan the QR code at a walk-up paystation on campus to make adjustments to your parking session after you arrive, like extending your parking time.

Click or tap the Download Ticket button to save a PDF copy of your receipt.

You’ll receive a confirmation text message (if you entered a mobile phone number) and/or an email from notifications@parkengage.com with your parking session details.

NOTES: You will be fined if you…

  • park a vehicle on campus with a different license plate than the one you registered with your payment
  • park on campus more than 30 minutes before your selected start date and time
  • are still parked on campus more than 30 minutes after your selected end date and time
What are the grace periods?

Click or tap the Cancel Reservation button in your confirmation email.

Once the web page loads, click or tap the Cancel Reservation link near your name.

Look for a confirmation email from notifications@parkengage.com and your credit card will be automatically refunded.


If you voluntarily move out of Portland Commons during the fall semester, you can request a pro-rated refund based on the number of months left in the academic year and how much you’ve paid on your parking permit payment plan.

We don’t provide refunds for the following:

  • Violations of University parking policies
  • Illegal activity
  • Typos and other user mistakes
    • Our system has a 1 – 2-character margin of error; if 3 or more characters are incorrect, it won’t recognize your license plate
  • Parking permits and passes
  • Validations, promo codes
  • Permits with unpaid parking fees
  • Portland Commons residents…
    • who leave during or after January
      • after starting in either the fall or spring term
    • with outstanding payments on a parking permit payment plan
    • dismissed for violating University policies

Do you want to read our full Parking Rates Policy?

Do you have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!

Contact us