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How to register

You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.

Admitted undergraduate students: You will register for courses during an Advising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment.

Admitted graduate students: Contact your advisor to determine which courses to take before registering for classes in MaineStreet.

Non-degree-seeking students: Call 207-780-5230 or submit a request to register.

You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.

All students: Log in to MaineStreet to register for courses 24 hours a day during designated registration periods.

Degree-seeking students: We recommend reviewing your course selection choices with your Academic Advisor before registering.


AHS 101 Career Exploration (in Liberal Arts)

This course is designed to provide students with the necessary resources to explore career and educational opportunities through the lens of a liberal arts major. Students will learn how professional skills are developed through academic and experiential learning experiences. Students will also be asked to explore and reflect upon their own interests, skills and values to discover how these relate to their future career and educational goals. Some topics to be covered are: informational interviews, networking, resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn and professional communications. Cr 0-1.

Class Number: 49004
Credits: 0 - 1
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 3/5/2024 - 4/16/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Peter Gerhard Hofmann
Enrollment: 2 of 15 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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This course is designed to provide students with the necessary resources to explore career and educational opportunities through the lens of a liberal arts major. Students will learn how professional skills are developed through academic and experiential learning experiences. Students will also be asked to explore and reflect upon their own interests, skills and values to discover how these relate to their future career and educational goals. Some topics to be covered are: informational interviews, networking, resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn and professional communication.

Class will be held in the Hub Conference Room in the McGoldrick Center. Prerequisites:
Tuesday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Luther Bonney 403 - P 3/5/2024 - 4/16/2024 Peter Gerhard Hofmann

BUS 300 Entrepreneurial Thinking

This course provides students an inside view of how entrepreneurial thinking can be applied in many environments including social ventures, corporations, venture capital and new ventures. Students will develop a basic knowledge of identifying opportunities, assessing required resources, planning and executing an entrepreneurial venture while developing an understanding of value propositions and risks. Prerequisites: junior standing. Cr. 3. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a minimum grade of C- before taking any 300/400 Business courses. See enrollment policy for eligibility or contact the School of Business.

Class Number: 42450
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0003
Dates: 3/4/2024 - 4/26/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Gary L Palin
Enrollment: 39 of 40 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: School of Business Majors/Minors or Art Majors, Junior or Senior standing. Majors in fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a min. of C- or higher.
n/a Online 3/4/2024 - 4/26/2024 Gary L Palin

CMS 495 Communication Capstone

This is the capstone senior seminar designed for graduating Communication majors who have completed most of their coursework. The course appraises different theoretical genres within the traditional levels of analysis taxonomy. One objective of the course is to further critical thinking skills. Another is to provide a framework for integrating knowledge acquired in earlier Communication courses. Overall, the course takes an advanced look at communication theory and the process of inquiry. Prerequisites: CMS 102, CMS 200, junior or senior standing. Cr 3.

Class Number: 40077
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0001
Dates: 3/4/2024 - 4/26/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Maureen Ebben
Enrollment: 10 of 15 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: CMS 102, CMS 200, and Junior or Senior standing
n/a Online 3/4/2024 - 4/26/2024 Maureen Ebben

EDU 563 ESL Testing and Assessment

This course covers assessment principles used to analyze and interpret multiple and varied assessments for preK-adult English Learners (ELLs), including classroom-based, standardized, and language proficiency assessments to prepare educators to advocate for equitable assessment for ELL students. Emphasis is on formative and standards-aligned assessment practices for academic purposes. Participants will develop assessment literacy in order to analyze and interpret data to make informed and equitable decisions to promote English language and academic learning. Cr 3.

Class Number: 40717
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0001
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Linda E Ward
Enrollment: 12 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Linda E Ward

EDU 623 TESOL Practicum

The practicum in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is designed to accommodate students in the TESOL program who are ESL teachers, mainstream teachers working toward ESL endorsement by the state, international students, adult educators, and other students matriculated into the MSEd in TESOL program. Students acquire practical ESL/EFL teaching experience in the field while applying knowledge gained through coursework and research; a minimum of 20 hours of observation and practice teaching in an appropriate setting determined by the student and instructor are required. The 24 hours of program coursework must be completed prior to or concurrent with practicum. Prerequisite:matriculated into MSEd in TESOL; completion of 24 hours of program coursework, including EDU 558 , EDU 559, EDU 560, EDU 561, EDU 562, and/or EDU 567.

Class Number: 49402
Credits: 3
Class Component: Clinical
Section: 0002
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Kathleen Rose McGovern
Enrollment: 0 of 1 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: TESOL major; and EDU 558, EDU 559, EDU 560, EDU 561, EDU 562, and/or EDU 567
n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Kathleen Rose McGovern

EDU 634 Seminar in Literacy Research

This course involves inquiry into all facets of literacy education, including historical and contemporary issues and trends in research, theory, and leadership. This course addresses issues, problems, and topics in literacy, through analysis and reflection of readings applied to current classroom practices. Students will synthesize their learning in literacy development, language acquisition, classroom practice, cultural diversity, and assessment to real-life situations. This seminar is open to matriculated students only; the seminar is a second-tier course and should be one of the final courses in the Literacy Education Master's sequence. Prerequisite: Matriculated students only, 24 credits, and program permission. Cr 3.

Class Number: 40296
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0001
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Melinda Butler
Enrollment: 4 of 5 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Melinda Butler

EDU 667 Teacher Leadership Capstone

This course is designed for students who are completing the Teacher Leadership Program. It provides students with the opportunity to: (1) complete a capstone inquiry project in an area related to teaching and learning and that is of particular concern or interest, (2) to develop a final product that describes the topic of inquiry, methods, and findings or insights, and (3) to make public the process of inquiry and its results. The final product will take the form of an action research project. The course takes the form of a professional community where students and the instructor engage in collegial interaction, peer learning, and reciprocal feedback. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 24 of 30 credits towards the Ms. Ed in Teacher Leadership. Cr. 3.

Class Number: 41181
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0001
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Jeffrey S Beaudry
Enrollment: 6 of 7 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisite: 24 earned credits in PED-MSED
n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Jeffrey S Beaudry

EDU 685 Internship in School Administration (Principalship)

This three semester (9 credit hour) course serves as the capstone experience in the Educational Administration program for aspiring principals. The internship is designed to immerse the graduate student in the everyday tasks of the building administrator, providing an opportunity for the student to actually apply the skills and knowledge gained throughout the Educational Leadership program. The early focus of the course is on the internship in a school setting designed jointly by the student, the internship faculty member, and a school-based principal. Throughout the remainder of the internship, students complete an ongoing journal, develop a leadership platform (portfolio), conduct an investigation on an aspect of financial management, and formulate a leadership project based on an issue of importance to the school. Each graduate student is required to produce a written report on the leadership project and to present it at the conclusion of the course. Taken at the conclusion of the EDL program. Prerequisite: Program permission. 9 credits (3 credits per semester or term) (allowed to repeat in a semester).

Class Number: 40305
Credits: 3
Class Component: Clinical
Section: 0002
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Vera Marie Robinson
Enrollment: 2 of 3 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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This section is for second term interns only. Prerequisites:
n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Vera Marie Robinson

EDU 686 Internship in Special Education Administration

This three semester (9 credit hour) course serves as the capstone experience in the Educational Administration program for aspiring special education directors. The internship is designed to immerse the graduate student in the everyday tasks of the special education director, providing an opportunity for the student to actually apply the skills and knowledge gained throughout the Educational Leadership program. The early focus of the course is on the internship in a district setting designed jointly by the student, the internship faculty member, and a district special education director. Throughout the remainder of the internship, students complete an ongoing journal, develop a leadership platform (portfolio), conduct an investigation on an aspect of financial management, and formulate a leadership project based on an issue of importance in special education at the school or district level. Each graduate student is required to produce a written report on the leadership project and to present it at the conclusion of the course. Taken at the conclusion of the EDL program. Prerequisite: Program permission. Credit hours: 9 credits (3 credits per semester or term) (allowed to repeat within a semester).

Class Number: 40889
Credits: 3
Class Component: Clinical
Section: 0002
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Vera Marie Robinson
Enrollment: 1 of 3 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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This section is for second term interns only. Prerequisites:
n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Vera Marie Robinson

EDU 688 Internship in Curriculum Administration

This three semester (9 credit hour) course serves as the capstone experience in the Educational Administration program for aspiring curriculum coordinators. The internship is designed to immerse the graduate student in the everyday tasks of the curriculum coordinator, providing an opportunity for the student to actually apply the skills and knowledge gained throughout the Educational Leadership program. The early focus of the course is on the internship in a district/central office setting designed jointly by the student, the internship faculty member, and a curriculum coordinator. Throughout the remainder of the internship, students complete an ongoing journal, develop a leadership platform (portfolio), conduct an investigation on an aspect of financial management, conduct a study of community demographics, and formulate a leadership project based on an issue of curriculum/instructional importance at the school or district level. Each graduate student is required to produce a written report on the leadership project and to present it at the conclusion of the course. Taken at the conclusion of the EDL program. Prerequisite: Program permission. Credit hours: 9 credits (3 credits per semester or term)(allowed to repeat within a semester).

Class Number: 41191
Credits: 3
Class Component: Clinical
Section: 0002
Dates: 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Vera Marie Robinson
Enrollment: 0 of 3 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
More Information
This section is for second term interns only. Prerequisites:
n/a Online 3/18/2024 - 5/3/2024 Vera Marie Robinson
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