The Special Education department offers degrees and certificates that meet the needs of aspiring and practicing special education teachers, all in an online format.
Read below to determine which program is right for you.

Bachelor’s Degree Program (BS): Special Education (Certification)

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Special Education with a concentration in teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities

Who this program is designed for: Individuals who seek to teach students with mild to moderate disabilities in public and private special purpose schools.

The Bachelor of Science in Special Education degree is designed for individuals seeking initial certification to teach students with disabilities. This degree provides:

  • Courses and internships for initial teacher certification in teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities,
  • Coursework in various specialty areas such as teaching students with learning disabilities and those who require intensive behavior support.
  • Preparation to collaborate effectively in school-wide, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), including, Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
  • And incorporates Standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

This concentration will prepare students to be eligible for licensure within the State of Maine. Visit the UMS State Authorization and Licensure page to learn more about the licensure requirements in other states and territories, and for contact information to inquire further about the licensure requirements associated with this program.

Learn more: Read about our program requirements.

Master’s Degree Program (MSED): Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities (Certification)

Degree: Master of Science in Special Education with a concentration in teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities

Who this program is designed for: current general education teachers, specialty area professionals such as occupational therapists, education technicians, and people with a bachelor’s degree seeking initial certification.

The Master of Science in Special Education in Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities (certification) concentration is designed for individuals seeking initial certification to teach students with disabilities. This concentration provides:

  • Courses and internships for initial teacher certification in teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities,
  • Coursework in various specialty areas such as teaching students with learning disabilities and those who require intensive behavior support.
  • Preparation to collaborate effectively in school-wide, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), including, Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
  • And incorporates Standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

This concentration will prepare students to be eligible for licensure within the State of Maine. Visit the UMS State Authorization and Licensure page to learn more about the licensure requirements in other states and territories, and for contact information to inquire further about the licensure requirements associated with this program.

Learn more: Read about our program requirements.

If you are interested in General Education Teacher Certification with this program, please use our CONTACT US form to request to set up a meeting with a Special Education Department advisor.

Master’s Degree Program (MSED):
Inclusive Instruction for All Students

Degree: Master of Science in Special Education with a concentration in Inclusive Instruction for All Students.

Who this program is designed for: individuals who are already certified education professionals seeking to enhance their expertise to meet the needs of two student groups: those who are multilingual and those with disabilities.

  • Online in an asynchronous format.
  • 7-week classes offered six terms a year.
  • One set price for tuition and fees, no matter what your residency.
  • Prepares you to effectively apply theory to practice and learn ways to implement specialized teaching, build effective curricula.
  • Collaborate with other professionals to reach the best outcomes for all students.
  • Curriculum promotes a multi-tiered system of support for students
  • Incorporates standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

Learn More: Read about our program requirements .

Accelerated Graduate Program in Special Education

Who this program is designed for: USM undergraduate students with an interest in special education certification to have courses taken in their undergraduate sequence apply toward the graduate Master of Science in Special Education degree.

  • Allows for exposure to education-related courses over multiple years and a reduced course load while in the graduate program.
  • Courses taught by full-time faculty in the program, allowing mentorship opportunities for undergraduate students.
  • Offers multiple field experiences in the K-12 classrooms.
  • Incorporates standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

Learn more: Read about our program requirements .