With advances occurring rapidly, it’s an exciting time to be a biologist! At USM, you can pursue an undergraduate degree with tracks in general biology, human biology, biotechnology, and teacher certification, or a graduate degree offering flexibility to fit your interests. 

Research Opportunities

student working in lab

You can engage in research in the field and in the lab, and you can work with USM faculty and with partner organizations that include Maine Health Institute for Research, IDEXX Laboratories, Manomet, and the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. 

Our Faculty

Biology faculty and Champ at 2024 commencement

Biology faculty at USM are committed to your success. All full time faculty hold a PhD in their area of expertise, and many actively work with students on research in areas that include immunology, marine ecology, neurobiology, developmental biology, evolutionary genetics, statistics, and animal behavior. Faculty teach both introductory and upper level lecture and lab courses, fostering relationships with students. 

Our Alumni

student holding lynx

Alumni from the Biology programs have continued their education in professional schools and in graduate school, and they have gone on to work as lab technicians, research biologists, educators, and state biologists.