We are dedicated to providing a safe campus for students, faculty, staff and visitors.  The following information is intended to assist students with emergency planning.  

Students with mobility, neurological, vision and hearing disabilities and severe allergies are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Center to develop a personal emergency response plan.  Please email us or call us at (207) 780-4706.

All Emergencies

In the case of an emergency on the Portland or Gorham Campus call University Police by dialing 911 on any campus phone or 207-780-5211 on your cell phone.  Students on the LAC campus should call 207-784-6421.  We encourage students to save these phone numbers to their contacts.

Do not use elevators during fire emergencies.  Individuals using wheelchairs should go to the nearest stairwell landing.  Stairwells are designed to serve as areas of refuge during emergency evacuations and emergency response personnel are trained to assess and prioritize response to these areas.  If you have your cell phone, you should call 207-780-5211 to notify emergency personnel of the building, floor and stairwell location.  

Elevator Malfunctions

Remain calm.  Do not panic.  Use the emergency phone (generally located beneath the elevator operation panel) to contact University Police.  Report your building, elevator and floor location if known.  Alternatively you can use your cell phone to call University Police at (207) 780-5211 in Portland and Gorham and (207) 784-6421 at LAC.

USM Text and Email Alerts

Students are encouraged to participate in the the USM Alert System.  This system sends a text message and/or email to students when there is a campus emergency or inclement weather cancellation.

Building and Facilities Maintenance

Please report all building maintenance issues to USM Facilities Management at (207) 780-4160 or by email.