Finding Books

Books can be found using LibrarySearch.

Once you find the one you want click the title and then the Request button to have it sent to any USM Library.

USM materialsUndergraduate Students & StaffGraduate StudentsFaculty
Loan Period4 weeks1 semester1 semester
Renewals2 three-week renewals1 one-semester renewal1 one-semester renewal
Checkout limit2550100
These loan periods do not apply to interlibrary loan materials from outside of USM, and do not reflect Course Reserves checkouts and limits.

Items can be renewed from your Library Accounts.

Borrowing Polices and Loan rules and Overdue policies

Finding eBooks

eBooks can be found using LibrarySearch, or the Journals & eBooks search.

In LibrarySearch, when you find the item you want, click on the title or “USM Access” and you’ll be taken to the database that hosts the eBook.

In Journals & eBooks, follow the link into the database that hosts the eBook.

Major eBook Databases

Many of our Databases have eBooks in their collections, but these have the most. You can find any of these in the Databases A-Z list.


eBooks on EBSCOhost

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Project MUSE

ProQuest Ebook Central

Wright American Fiction

Course Reserves

These are books, articles, movies, and other materials your faculty member has put on reserve at one of the USM Libraries. Physical copies are at the Access Services desk in the library on the campus where your class is held. These can be checked out for 2 hours (unless otherwise notes) and can only be used in the library.

Electronic Reserves can be found on your BrightSpace course or through the ARES online system.

Borrowing something USM doesn’t have

Request books and other materials not available at USM with InterLibrary Loan.

Search the wider Maine library system or the international library system.



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