The intent of this webpage is to provide information to research participants before and after participation.

If you have any questions or concerns before, during or after your participation regarding your rights as a participant, to obtain information, offer input, or whom to contact in the event of a research related injury, you may contact the USM Office of Research Integrity and Outreach at 207-780-4517 and/or email

Reporting Alleged Research Misconduct and Animal Protocol Violations

Before participation in research:

The federal Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has a number of informational videos you might find helpful.

Human Research Volunteer Informational Videos – below

These short videos provide basic information about human research, including clinical trials, medical research, and other kinds of research. They help potential research volunteers understand how research works, what questions they should ask, and things to think about when deciding whether to participate in a study.

Informational videos can be found on the OHRP website. Most videos are less than 10 minutes. View in English | Ver en Español

After participation in research:

Take a brief 3 question survey to tell ORIO about your experience as a research volunteer.

Institutional Review Boards

An IRB is a committee that reviews research studies to make sure they follow ethical standards and regulations.

Social & Behavioral Research

Studying behavior and social interaction.

Medical Research vs Medical Care

It is important to understand the differences.

Informed Consent

Your participation is voluntary. Know the risks, if any.

Your participation is voluntary and your responses are anonymous.


Please take our 3 question survey about your experience as a research participant.

Research with Children: What Parents Need to Know

Medical, Behavioral, and Social interaction.