The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Policies and Procedures listed on this site are subject to change. Any approved changes and edits to any of the HRPP Policies and Procedures will be uploaded to the website.  

HRPP 001 Student Classroom Projects (pdf)

HRPP 002 Protocol Violations (pdf)

HRPP 003 External Human Subjects Research conducted within the USM Community (pdf)

HRPP 004 Non-Compliance (pdf)

Reporting Alleged Research Misconduct and Animal Protocol Violations

Reporting Alleged Mismanagement of Federal Funds

HRPP 005 Departing Primary Investigator (pdf)

HRPP 006 Unanticipated Problems & Adverse Events (pdf)

HRPP 008 Determination of Activities Requiring IRB Review (pdf)

HRPP 009 Conduct of IRB Meetings (pdf)

HRPP 010 Exempt Determinations (pdf)

HRPP 011 Ethical and Legal Principles (pdf)

HRPP 012 Authority of the Human Research Protection Program and Institutional Official (pdf)

HRPP 014 Humanitarian Use Devices (pdf)

HRPP 015 Emergency Use (of drug, biologic, or device) (pdf)

HRPP 016 USM as Business Associate Component (pdf)

HRPP 017 HIPAA in Research (pdf)

University of Maine System HIPAA Policy

HRPP 018 IBC Coordination (pdf)

HRPP 019 IRB Minutes (pdf)

HRPP 020 Anonymous and De-identified Data (pdf)

HRPP 021 IRB Composition and Membership (pdf)

HRPP 022 IRB Use of Additional Expertise (Consultants) (pdf)

HRPP 023 IRB Member, IRB Staff and Organizational Conflict of Interest (pdf)

HRPP 024 Registration and Maintenance of Clinical (pdf)

HRPP 025 Initial and Continuing Review at IRB Meetings (pdf)

HRPP 026 Study Closure (pdf)

HRPP 027 Expedited Initial Review (pdf)

HRPP 028 IRB Reliance (pdf)

HRPP 029 Informed Consent (pdf)

HRPP 030 Continuing Review (pdf)

HRPP 031 Education Requirements (pdf)

HRPP 032 Vulnerable Subjects (pdf)

HRPP 033 IRB Member Evaluation (pdf)

HRPP 034 Mandated Reporting to External Agencies (pdf)

HRPP 035 Roles and Responsibilities of Investigators (pdf)

HRPP 036 Standard Operating Procedures (pdf)

HRPP 037 Scientific Review (pdf)

HRPP 038 International Research (pdf)

HRPP 039 Research Concerns (pdf)

HRPP 040 IRB Review of Modifications (pdf)

HRPP 041 Termination or Suspension of Research (pdf)

HRPP 042 Data and Safety Monitoring (pdf)

UMS Information Security Policies & Standards

HRPP 043 Recordkeeping (pdf)

HRPP 044 Quality Improvement (pdf)

HRPP 045 Financial Conflict of Interest (pdf)

HRPP 046 Outreach Activities (pdf)

HRPP 047 Recruitment and Screening (pdf)

HRPP 048 Privacy and Confidentiality (pdf)

HRPP 049 Research Supported by Department of Justice (pdf)

HRPP 050 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for Sustainability of the Human Research Protection Program (pdf)

HRPP 051 Research Supported by the US Department of Education (pdf)

HRPP 052 Community-Based Participatory Research (pdf)

HRPP 053 Review of Non-USM Protocols (pdf)