William Paris To Speak At Louden Family Lecture Series
At this talk entitled, The Antinomies of Self-Emancipation, Paris will draw from the ideas of figures such W.E.B. Du Bois, C.L.R. James, Frantz Fanon, and James Boggs as well as Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer to outline what he takes to be the specifically temporal antinomy at the heart of self-emancipation and defend the role of utopia in its resolution.
October 16, 5:00-7:30
Glickman Library
University Events Room
Portland Campus
Read about William’s experience taking the optional senior thesis course.
Meet the 2023 Mackensen Award in Philosophy Recipient
Congratulations to Zaid Shaikh, who was chosen for the Mackensen Award in Philosophy. The award is given to an outstanding senior student, based on academic excellence, outstanding service, and quality of philosophical writing. Read about Zaid’s journey in philosophy through the link below.

Professors Murphy and Ebben on Pedagogy and Environmental GenAI Awarness
Professor of Philosophy, Julien Murphy, and Associate Professor of Communication, Maureen Ebben, published an article for Geneva Graduate Institute’s NORRAG Global Education Centre’s Policy Insights AI and Digital Inequities.
Johann Bernhard Basedow and the Transformation of Modern Education
Professor Louden’s book, Johann Bernhard Basedow and the Transformation of Modern Education, is discussed in this international Zoom roundtable.

Looking ahead to Law School?
Our Accelerated Graduate Pathway to the University of Maine School of Law can save you time and money in earning your JD.

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