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How to register

You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.

Admitted undergraduate students: You will register for courses during an Advising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment.

Admitted graduate students: Contact your advisor to determine which courses to take before registering for classes in MaineStreet.

Non-degree-seeking students: Call 207-780-5230 or submit a request to register.

You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.

All students: Log in to MaineStreet to register for courses 24 hours a day during designated registration periods.

Degree-seeking students: We recommend reviewing your course selection choices with your Academic Advisor before registering.

Winter Session registration

Launch the UMS Class Search tool (MaineStreet) and use the following criteria to browse Winter Session courses:

  • Institution: University of Southern Maine
  • Term: 2025 Spring
  • Session: WinterSession



EDU 560 Methods and Approaches in TESOL

This TESOL methodology course focuses on the methods and approaches in teaching PreK-Adult English language learners. Students will explore the history, culture, and communities of TESOL; learn a range of approaches to support multilingual learners across varied contexts and critically evaluate language teaching methods for their appropriateness across different learning contexts; and plan lessons and activities that support culturally and linguistically diverse learners. They will collaborate with colleagues to develop effective learner-centered instructional practices. Cr. 3.

Class Number: 81624
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0001
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Enrollment: 19 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Kathryn Jill Giampetruzzi

Class Number: 82277
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0100
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Farrah Taylor Giroux
Enrollment: 14 of 18 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Farrah Taylor Giroux

EDU 562 Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

This course examines the nature of language and cultural differences among learners of various ethnic and racial backgrounds. The exploration of diversity provides opportunities for participants to develop a personal awareness of the role of cultural conditioning in classroom encounters; to reflect on and to confront personal biases as they relate to teaching; to acquire the skills and resources for an ethno-relative approach to delivering instruction; and to make language- and topic-related choices compatible with learner differences. Cr 3.

Class Number: 82136
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0101
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Heather L Alden
Enrollment: 15 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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This section is reserved for students in the accelerated Maine Online program. Prerequisites:
n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Heather L Alden

EDU 605 Testing and Assessment

This course develops students' knowledge of testing and assessment and provides opportunities for students to apply that knowledge to instruction and curriculum issues. Students will review the critical roles of educational leaders in testing and assessment. Participants will examine concepts such as curriculum alignment, opportunity to learn, equity, fairness, and effectiveness and relate these concepts to classroom assessments, as well as to district, statewide, national, and international standardized assessments. Students will address issues such as validity, reliability, and standard setting in the context of diverse perspectives about the construction, production, and interpretation of knowledge. Cr 3.

Class Number: 82134
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0100
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Enrollment: 18 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Anita Jean Stewart McCafferty

EDU 607 Teacher Research in Literacy and Language Development

The purpose of this course is to enable Literacy and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) professionals to develop their content knowledge in their disciplines through practitioner inquiry. Students will identify a literacy and language content topic of interest and pursue library and empirical research on this topic. Each student will generate a research question, collect and analyze sample data, summarize findings, and synthesize how their new knowledge for teaching the content area can be applied in their classroom. The class will function as a community of researchers. Emphasis will be placed on students developing an inquiry stance on teaching in their content area. Prerequisites: 15 credits in Literacy Education course or 15 credits in TESOL courses and open to matriculated students in the MSEd. in Literacy Education or TESOL, or program permission. Cr. 3.

Class Number: 81626
Credits: 3
Class Component: Research
Section: 0001
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Melanie S Ellsworth
Enrollment: 14 of 15 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: For literacy students: EDU 512, EDU 521, EDU 562, EDU 614, EDU 620, EDU 621, or EDU 626 to equal 15 credits. For TESOL students: EDU 558, EDU 559, EDU 560, EDU 561, EDU 562, or EDU 567 to equal 15 credits
n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Melanie S Ellsworth

EDU 614 Disciplinary Literacies

This course provides an introduction to disciplinary literacies and their applications in core academic subjects. In particular, it examines approaches and strategies for apprenticing PreK-12 students into disciplinary habits of thought and communication. It also emphasizes the role language plays in developing disciplinary reading, writing, speaking, and listening practices. Cr 3.

Class Number: 81408
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Anne Miranda Tommaso
Enrollment: 21 of 25 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Anne Miranda Tommaso

EDU 623 TESOL Practicum

The practicum in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is designed to accommodate students in the TESOL program who are ESL teachers, mainstream teachers working toward ESL endorsement by the state, international students, adult educators, and other students matriculated into the MSEd in TESOL program. Students acquire practical ESL/EFL teaching experience in the field while applying knowledge gained through coursework and research; a minimum of 20 hours of observation and practice teaching in an appropriate setting determined by the student and instructor are required. The 24 hours of program coursework must be completed prior to or concurrent with practicum. Prerequisite:matriculated into MSEd in TESOL; completion of 24 hours of program coursework, including EDU 558 , EDU 559, EDU 560, EDU 561, EDU 562, and/or EDU 567.

Class Number: 82113
Credits: 3
Class Component: Clinical
Section: 0101
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Kathleen Rose McGovern
Enrollment: 5 of 10 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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This section is reserved for students in the accelerated Online Maine program. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: TESOL major; and EDU 558, EDU 559, EDU 560, EDU 561, EDU 562, and/or EDU 567
n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Kathleen Rose McGovern

EDU 635 Seminar in Second Language Literacy

This course involves inquiry into all facets of literacy and second language education, including historical and contemporary issues and trends in research, theory, and leadership. Students will synthesize their learning in literacy and language development, classroom practice, cultural diversity, policy, and advocacy. This course is intended to be the last class in the TESOL master's sequence (except EDU 623 and EDU 640); advanced CAS students may request permission to enroll. Matriculated students only who have completed 24 credits, and program permission. Cr 3.

Class Number: 82114
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0100
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Alexander Lapidus
Enrollment: 15 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
More Information
This section is reserved for students in the accelerated Online Maine program. Prerequisites:
n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Alexander Lapidus

EDU 659 Special Education Law for School Leaders

This course acquaints prospective school leaders at the building and district level with the general principles of special education law as found in the interpretation of constitutional and statutory provisions by the higher courts. Laws governing pupils, teaching personnel, administrators and boards of education will be stressed.

Class Number: 90203
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0101
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Roger P Robert
Enrollment: 9 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Roger P Robert

EDU 667 Teacher Leadership Capstone

This course is designed for students who are completing the Teacher Leadership Program. It provides students with the opportunity to: (1) complete a capstone inquiry project in an area related to teaching and learning and that is of particular concern or interest, (2) to develop a final product that describes the topic of inquiry, methods, and findings or insights, and (3) to make public the process of inquiry and its results. The final product will take the form of an action research project. The course takes the form of a professional community where students and the instructor engage in collegial interaction, peer learning, and reciprocal feedback. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 24 of 30 credits towards the Ms. Ed in Teacher Leadership. Cr. 3.

Class Number: 82117
Credits: 3
Class Component: Seminar
Section: 0100
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Sarah B Jessen
Enrollment: 4 of 20 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Sarah B Jessen

EDU 685 Internship in School Administration (Principalship)

This three semester (9 credit hour) course serves as the capstone experience in the Educational Administration program for aspiring principals. The internship is designed to immerse the graduate student in the everyday tasks of the building administrator, providing an opportunity for the student to actually apply the skills and knowledge gained throughout the Educational Leadership program. The early focus of the course is on the internship in a school setting designed jointly by the student, the internship faculty member, and a school-based principal. Throughout the remainder of the internship, students complete an ongoing journal, develop a leadership platform (portfolio), conduct an investigation on an aspect of financial management, and formulate a leadership project based on an issue of importance to the school. Each graduate student is required to produce a written report on the leadership project and to present it at the conclusion of the course. Taken at the conclusion of the EDL program. Prerequisite: Program permission. 9 credits (3 credits per semester or term) (allowed to repeat in a semester).

Class Number: 83041
Credits: 3
Class Component: Clinical
Section: 0102
Dates: 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Karlin Jamie Burks
Enrollment: 5 of 7 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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This is for students in their 2nd term of internship Prerequisites:
n/a Online 10/28/2024 - 12/20/2024 Karlin Jamie Burks
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