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How to register

You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.

Admitted undergraduate students: You will register for courses during an Advising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment.

Admitted graduate students: Contact your advisor to determine which courses to take before registering for classes in MaineStreet.

Non-degree-seeking students: Call 207-780-5230 or submit a request to register.

You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.

All students: Log in to MaineStreet to register for courses 24 hours a day during designated registration periods.

Degree-seeking students: We recommend reviewing your course selection choices with your Academic Advisor before registering.


ANT 101 Anthropology: The Cultural View

This course is a basic introductory survey of cultural anthropology. It examines the differences between cultures as well as cultural universals, and the relationship between social organization, ideology, economics, and political structure in different types of societies. It reviews the various theoretical approaches in cultural anthropology's attempt to explain human behavior, presenting examples from foraging, farming, and contemporary industrial societies through readings and films. Cr 3.

Class Number: 47079
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Enrollment: 22 of 25 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Sarah Charlotte Lockridge

ART 124 Cre8: The Art of Creativity

Explore the concepts, tools and strategies for innovation, the creative process and creative problem solving through selected hands on exercises, readings, discussions, project based work and creative assignments in a variety of media and approaches. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking as students analyze, compare, and contrast problem-solving tools and techniques employed by creative makers and thinkers from artists to scientists and entrepreneurs. Students adopt these concepts, tools and strategies to self-defined tasks for creative activity. Cr 3. (Satisfies Creative Expression Requirement).

Class Number: 47078
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Kimberly B Bentley
Enrollment: 29 of 30 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Kimberly B Bentley

BPH 339 Topics in Public Health

The course focuses on current topics in public health with an emphasis on special populations, diseases, or events. The course is designed to address public health concerns that are timely and relevant; topics will rotate periodically in response to student demand and/or emerging public health issues. Prior topics have included infectious disease, obesity, global health, child health, and substance use disorders. Cr. 3.

Chronic Disease Prevent & Cont

Class Number: 47081
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Randy H Schwartz
Enrollment: 8 of 30 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Topics in Public Health- Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

After decades of progress, life expectancy in the US peaked and is declining, even before the COVID pandemic. Opioids, COVID and gun deaths have added to the decline, however, chronic diseases ¿ heart disease, cancer, diabetes, liver disease, Alzheimer¿s and the related risk factors- tobacco, diet and obesity, alcohol misuse- have actually been the primary reason the US life expectancy is declining.

This course takes an evidence-based public health approach to review leading causes of chronic disease morbidity and mortality, and identifies key intervention strategies to address the problem. The course will view the solutions through the lens of the socio-ecological framework, so that chronic disease morbidity and mortality is addressed via multiple-level population health intervention strategies including policy, systems and environmental change. The course is framed in an evidence-based public health framework. Prerequisites:
n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Randy H Schwartz

CMS 103 Introduction to Media Studies

This course examines the historical, philosophical, technological, economic, political, and social aspects of print (book, magazine, and newspapers) and electronic media (radio, television, film, sound recordings, and the Internet). In addition, the effects of mass media will be explored. Cr. 3.

Class Number: 47062
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): David P Pierson
Enrollment: 23 of 25 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 David P Pierson

CMS 298 Topics in Communication I

A selection of courses varying in content from term to term. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Students should consult MaineStreet for a listing of current topics courses and the CMS homepage for detailed course descriptions. Cr. 3.

Belief and Communication

Class Number: 47064
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Leonard J Shedletsky
Enrollment: 15 of 25 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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If our beliefs influence the meaning we attribute to our moment-to-moment perceptions, then it would follow that our communication lives are tied to our beliefs; further, it follows that much of communication occurs at the unconscious level of cognition. It seems apparent that our beliefs are critical to determining who we are, how we live our lives, how we parent, vote, treat others, how we understand things, even ourselves. Carol Dweck (2016) writes that "beliefs are the key to happiness (and to misery)." She reports that psychiatrist Aaron Beck, who was responsible for developing cognitive therapy and cognitive behavior therapy, came to the conclusion that his client's problems were due to their beliefs. Dweck wrote, "Just before they felt a wave of anxiety or depression, something quickly flashed through their minds. It could be: Dr. Beck thinks I'm incompetent." Or "This therapy will never work. I'll never feel better" (p. 224). In other words, beliefs caused bad feelings in their lives. Prerequisites:
n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Leonard J Shedletsky

CRM 330 Crime and Social Control

This course explores theoretical and practical issues of modern systems of social control, including punishment, policing, prisons, parole, probation, and the role of the state in social control. The history of Western social control systems is stressed, with emphasis on race, gender, and class effects. Students are required to engage in experiential learning. Prerequisites: CRM 100 or permission. Cr 3.

Class Number: 47065
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Dusan I Bjelic
Enrollment: 19 of 30 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisite - CRM 100 with a minimum grade of C or better, or permission
n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Dusan I Bjelic

DAN 266 The Art of Dance

Through readings, writings, and creative projects we'll investigate how dance intersects with other art forms, viewing and analyzing the work of important artists in the fields of ballet, modern, musical theatre, social dance, and visual art. Discover how dance as an art form influences culture. No dance experience required. Prerequisites: College Writing. Cr 3.

Class Number: 47066
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Maria A Tzianabos
Enrollment: 17 of 30 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisite: WRI 1/College Writing: ENG 100, ESL 100, HON 100, or RSP 100 with a grade of C- or better.
n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Maria A Tzianabos

HIH 203 Mind Body Stress Reduction

Mindfulness is about paying attention without judgment to what is being presented to us in our lives. The core of this course will be mindfulness and meditation practices taught by a myriad of practitioners including renowned pioneers in the field Jon Kabat Zinn and Dr. Herbert Benson. Students will study the results of research that show benefits of practicing Mindfulness. Students will learn a variety of techniques increasing awareness around the stress response, relaxation response leading to the cultivation of a meaningful mindfulness meditation practice. After learning these practices, students will explore ways to integrate mindfulness into work, family, health, and relationships, particularly into teaching, nursing, social work, and counseling health professions building resilience and eliciting the relaxation response. Cr 3.

Class Number: 47087
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Enrollment: 32 of 35 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Chris Michelle Barcelou-Raymond

HIH 280 Holistic Health I

This course explores the realm of holistic health, emphasizing the integration of body, mind, and spirit. Specific techniques and therapies will be introduced including, but not limited to, nutrition, stress management, meditation, therapeutic movement and massage, music, and others. The primary goal is to bring greater self-confidence, increased knowledge, and self-responsibility about health into each student's life. Cr 3.

Class Number: 47088
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Allison S Gray
Enrollment: 32 of 35 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Allison S Gray

HRD 200 Multicultural Human Development

This course introduces developmental theory and research which encompasses the entire life span. Emphasis will be on prenatal development through adolescence, with an overview of adult development. A multi-disciplinary view of human development will be taken which considers stability as well as change throughout the life cycle. The interaction of hereditary and environmental factors will be considered in studying physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development. Cr. 3.

Class Number: 47080
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: WINT
Dates: 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Julie A Zink
Enrollment: 20 of 30 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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n/a Winter Session Online Class 12/18/2023 - 1/12/2024 Julie A Zink
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