Fall 2024

CMS 340 & 341, Narrative Filmmaking
This course will provide an opportunity for students to learn the basic concepts and principles of professional narrative filmmaking in the creation of quality single-camera style video programs recorded in the field. This course also stresses the continued development of critical media skills and aesthetic sensibilities as they relate to professional film and video productions. Student must take this before progressing to advanced production courses. More information below…
CMS 222 – Digital Radio & Audio Production

Students will learn the fundamental skills necessary for digital radio and audio production. Learning applications include hosting and producing a radio music program and a public affairs talk show, and producing promotional pieces with digital editing software. Cr. 3.
Instructor: Jessica Lockhart (jessica.lockhart@maine.edu)
We 11:00AM – 1:30PM
Location: 21 Durham Street & WMPG
CMS 326 – Special Effects and Animation
This course combines an exploration of the history of Special Effects and Animation with hands-on real-world projects. Students will work with flip-books, stop-motion and rotoscope animation as well as special effects techniques such as masking, multi-plane, green screen, and motion tracking. Students will be using After Effects, Photoshop, and Premiere. Some experience with Photoshop is recommended.
Instructor: Geoffrey Leighton, geoffrey.leighton@maine.edu
We 5:00PM – 7:30PM
Location: CMS Production Center, 21 Durham St. (Portland Campus)
CMS 340 – Narrative Filmmaking (Lecture)
This course will provide an opportunity for students to learn the basic concepts and principles of professional narrative filmmaking in the creation of quality single-camera style video programs recorded in the field. This course also stresses the continued development of critical media skills and aesthetic sensibilities as they relate to professional film and video productions. Students must be concurrently enrolled in CMS 341. Prerequisite: CMS 203 and CMS 204 or Instructor’s permission.
Students must be concurrently enrolled in CMS 341.
This course counts towards the Media Production elective requirement and the Audio Video Production minor.
Prerequisites: CMS 203 and CMS 204 or Instructor’s permission.
Instructor: David Pierson (david.pierson@maine.edu)
Day/Time: Tu 11:00AM – 12:30PM
Location: CMS Production Center, 21 Durham St. (Portland Campus)
CMS 341 – Narrative Filmmaking (Lab)
This lab will provide students with hands-on experience with professional digital video cameras, production equipment, and non-linear editing software. Students must be concurrently enrolled in CMS 340. Prerequisites: CMS 203 and CMS 204 or Instructor’s permission. Cr. 1.
Students must be concurrently enrolled in CMS 340.
This course counts towards the Media Production elective requirement and the Audio Video Production minor.
Prerequisites: CMS 203 and CMS 204 or Instructor’s permission.
Instructor: Nat Ives (ives@maine.edu)
Day/Time (pick only one session):
Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:15
Thursday, 1:30 – 3:45
Location: CMS Production Center, 21 Durham St. (Portland Campus)