University of Southern Maine grants credit for the following IB exams:

  • Standard-Level (SL) with a score of 4 or higher
  • Higher-Level (HL) with a score of 4 or higher

Students entering in the Fall of 2022 must receive a score of 4 or higher on a Standard-Level (SL) or Higher-Level (HL) IB exam. 

An academic advisor can help you understand how IB scores fulfill degree requirements. Contact the University’s Advising Services Office at or (207) 780-4040.

Faculty have evaluated the following exams. If you have taken an IB Exam that is not listed below, please contact the CPL Office at 207-780-4663 or

Standard-Level (SL) Exams

IB SubjectUSM Course EquivalenciesCredit Awarded
BiologyCOR 1XX EL3
Business ManagementBUS 260 and ACC 1103, 3
ChemistryCHY 1XX3
Design Technology COR 1XX EL 3
English A : Language and LiteratureENG 1XX CI3
English A: LiteratureENG 1XX CI3
Environmental Systems and SocietiesESP 1013
Geography GEO 103 SCA & INTL 3
History COR 1XX INTL 3
**Language AB Initio (all languages except English)201 level CI4
**Language B

FRE 201 CI
SPA 201 CI
LAT 201 CI

Analysis & Approaches
Application & Interpretation
MusicMUH 105 CI & CPE3
Physics COR 1XX EL3
PsychologyPSY 1003
Sports, Exercise, and Health ScienceCOR 1XX EL 3
Visual ArtsART 1XX CE3
World ReligionsCOR 1XX CI & INTL3
**Language credits earned through IB DO NOT satisfy the foreign language requirement of the International Studies track in the Political Science major.

Higher-Level (HL) Exams

IB SubjectUSM Course EquivalenciesCredit Awarded
BiologyBIO 105, BIO 106, BIO 107 SE3, 1.5, 4.5
Business Management BUS260, ACC 110, BUS 200 3, 3, 3
ChemistryCHY 1XX with score of 4 or 5
CHY 113 SE and CHY 114 SE with score of 6
CHY 113 SE, CHY 114 SE and CHY 115 with score of 7
3, 1.5
3, 1.5, 3
DanceTHE 1XX CE3
EconomicsECO 101 SCA and ECO 102 SCA3, 3
English A: Language and LiteratureENG 140 CI3
English A: LiteratureENG 140 CI3
GeographyGEO 103 SCA & INTL and GEO 105 INTL 3, 3
History (all subjects)HTY 1XX SCA & INTL3
**Language B

FRE 201 CI and FRE 202 CI & INTL
SPA 201 CI and SPA 202 CI & INTL
LAT 201 CI and LAT 202 CI

4, 4
4, 4
4, 4
MusicMUH 105 CI & CPE and MUS 110 CE3, 3
PhysicsPHY 111 SE with a score of 4 or 5
PHY 111 SE and PHY 112 with a score of 6 or 7
4, 4
PsychologyPSY 1003
TheatreTHE 101 CI3
Visual ArtsART 1XX CE3
**Language credits earned through IB DO NOT satisfy the foreign language requirement of the International Studies track in the Political Science major.