On view:

March 6 – February 29

Selected previous exhibitions


January 16 – February 15


October 3 – December 6

One tool from each student in the 2024 BFA/BA Exhibition

April 11 – 27

An image of a painting of a radiant sun with tree covered mountains and a choppy ocean in the foreground.

January 25 – February 15


Embodying Softness/ Excavating Delight

October 12 – December 9

An image of a grey hall with photography hanging

Todd Webb: Photography Across New York, New Mexico, and France

Aperture Gallery, Glickman Library

March 23 – December 11

A colorful pop up book

Lewiston Atrium Gallery

February 16 – April 24

An image of a Gallery with artwork on the walls.

April 6 – 29, 2023

An image of a pop up book, open, with roses

January 18 – February 18


A grid of 2 rows of 3 squares, each with artowrk. There is one square creating a third row in the first column, next to which it reads "Pulped Under Pressure."

Pulped Under Pressure

September 8 – 
December 10

An image of a broom hanging on a gallery wall. it is small and handmade. A painting of a mountain sunset is in the background, and tires in the corner.

Re-Emergence: Art Department Exhibition

January 27 – February 24

An image of a gallery with artwork on the walls. At left a sign reads "2022 JURIED STUDENT SHOW". To its right, a woman reclines.

Juried Student Exhibition

March 10 – April 3

A 3x3 grid of images of different rooms. Each room has a desk, chair, and lamp. Each room is color coordinated to a particular color.

Amy Stacey Curtis: The Color of Memory

22 Foster Street,
Westbrook, Maine

March 26 – April 22

BFA Exhibition

April 7 – 29



A series of four images of artwork, all abstract.

2020 BFA Exhibition

Virtual exhibition

A turquoise computerized image of a fractal resembling a virus in its composition

Lusus Naturae

January 30 – March 12


2019 BFA & BA Exhibition

April 11 – May 1

An image of a woman whosse face is covered in smile stickers of different colors. They are overlapping and form one sheet. She is beginning to peel the sheet off from the left-hand side.

Juried Student Exhibition

March 14 – 31

An abstract painting of pastel tones

USM Art Faculty Exhibition

January 21 – March 3


An image of a print hanging on a wall. The wall has drawn wooden wallpaper. The print has a series of planetary-like designs and their orbit. It reads "EXPAND THE FEMININE SPECTRUM."

Eulogy for the Dyke Bar by Macon Reed

AREA Gallery

September 4 – December 7




An image of a shadowy, blurry silhouette of a person with their arms raised. White writing is over the photograph.

Constructing Identity

February 23 – May 1

A black and white photograph of a man walking, wearing a trench coat. His back is to the viewer. It is raining and there are reflections of the man at right and reflections of lamposts at left.

Todd Webb: Historian with a Camera

USM Area Gallery
August 31 –
December 9

An image of a gallery with wooden floors and white walls. In the froreground a photographer with a tripod has his back to the viewer, facing him is a woman in a dress standing in front of a green wall.

Picturing Maine – The Way Life Was?

September 17 –
December 11


An image of a flyer advertising the exhibition. It reads "OPPOSING GESTURES"

Opposing Gestures

September 23 –
December 10


An image of an extremely large piece of paper rolled and sprawling out over a gallery space with marker drawings

Astrid Bowlby: EVERYTHING

USM AREA Gallery
January 24 – March 6


An image of a woman in a room wiht white walls and a grey floor. She wears red flats and a yellow dress. On her head is a large, rectangular box, obscuring her head and neck. Her hands reach up onto the box's sides; she cannot reach its top.

The Myths

March 2 – April 14

An abstract painting. The bottom half of the paper has a circular form

Verge: New Work by Andrea Sulzer

September 4 – October 16

An image of eight circles on a page in primary colors. The bottom of the page has blue waves. Some circles are held up by two lines, as if they had crude legs.

Sampler: The USM Teaching Collection

September 27 –
December 9

An abstract picture with a red diagonal line running through its center and a green diagonal ground beneath.

Zuihitsu: Look Only At The Waves

October 24 – December 9

For exhibitions prior to 2012, please contact the Gallery at usmartgalleries@maine.edu.