University of Southern Maine: Lewiston-Auburn Campus
Frequently Asked Question & Resoursces
University Resources to Help You through Difficult Times
Resources and contact numbers:
- USM Public Safety: In an emergency, dial 911. Otherwise, 207-780-5211.
- USM Student Life: 207-780-4035. Student Life will gladly discuss any concern you may have, no matter how major or seemingly minor, to help assess the situation and consult on best next steps.
- USM Intercultural Student Affairs: 207-228-8011 or
- USM Counseling Center: 207-780-4050 or
- USM Recovery Oriented Campus Center (ROCC): 207-780-4678
- Maine Crisis Line (24/7): 888-568-1112 or chat online.
- Opportunity Alliance Crisis Services (Cumberland): 207-774-HELP (4357)
- Tri-County Mental Health Services (Androscoggin): 888-304-HOPE (4673)
- National Crisis Text Line (24/7): Text HOME to 741741 or chat online
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline (24/7): Just dial 988.
University Counseling Services:
- Lewiston/Portland Counseling Services: 207-780-4050
- Gorham Counseling Services: 207-780-5411
University Health Services:
- Lewiston/Gorham Health Services: 207-780-5411
- Portland Health Services: 207-780-4701
Grief Support Group
email: Phyllis ( OR Jonathan (
LAC Building Hours:
Monday-Thursday 7am-7pm .
Friday- 7am-5pm.
LAC Campus line 753-6500 – To reach varies departments with automatic call transfer.
LAC Student Success Center – Campus Main Office. Room 119 (207)-753-6536.
- Student Success Center-Room 119
- Hours:
- Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm
- Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday Closed
- Student Success Center- Room 119 is also the entrance for the following offices.
- Please Note: Due to limited staff ,you may want to call before coming to LAC for specific services.
- Admissions– Room126. Lewiston-753-6663 Gorham-780-5670.
- Advising– No in person advisior on site at the Lewiston campus. 780-4040.
- Campus Director’s Office– Room 119 753-6536.
- Financial Aid- Room 128. – Cheryl Paluso, Lewiston 753-6555 , Portland 780-5250.
- Social Behavioral Science (Admin contact) Room134 753-6572.
- Occupation Therpay (Admin contact) Room136 753-6503.
- Osher Map-Lewiston Location: Coming Soon!!
- Student Services LAC-room 119 LAC :753-6536 Account payments- cash ,check or money order (sorry no credit card payments in Lewiston) transcripts & ID cards. Portland : Student Financial Services: 780-5250 Card Services :780-5600 Registra’s Office 780-5230
- Small Business Developement Center- Room135 753-6551.
- TRIO Room130 753-6567 Portland 780-4623
Café location: Room 148A
Café hours: Vending
- Scan and Go options
Vending machine locations:
- Near room 103 in South Lounge
- Across from the Café -Room 148A
Franco American Collection location: Room 171
Fitness Center location: Room 114
Monday-Thursday: 8:15am-4:30pm
Friday: 8:15am- 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
All students, faculty and staff using the fitness center must check in at the Welcome Desk or Student Success Center room 119, before using the fitness center.
Please note the electronic waiver needs to be completed before using the fitness center.
Instructions to complete the electronic waiver are included below.
- Employee Instructions: You may sign your waiver in MaineStreet, Employee Self-Service panel (where you enter your time or view pay) under the tab titled UMS Recreational Release Form.
- Student Instructions: Students access the waiver on their personal USM Dashboard titled – tasks.
PHIL Station location: Just before Room 118 on the right side of the corridor.
Library Location: Room 145B telephone: (207)753-6540
Library Hours:
- Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 5:00pm
- Friday – 9:00am -4:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday- Closed
Lounge locations:
- South End entrance of the building by Room 103 or Room109
- upstairs 200 wing, near Room 202, access by the elevator or stairs in the Atrium Gallery main entrance.
MOT office location: Room 185- MOT Clinic : 753-6503
Nursing admin office: Room153 – Nursing LAB: Room 226
Posting items on the public bulletin board: Needs approval from the Student Success Center- Room 119
Rest room locations:
- Main building- Rooms 111,112,174 & 175.
- Student Lounge area second floor above the library in the 200 wing: upstairs Rooms 203, 204, 215 & 217.
- New building wing- upstairs Room 297 and downstairs Room 195
LAC Gift Giving QR Code

Other offices located on the Lewiston campus:
UMA Center: Room 162 – (207) 753-6600
New Ventures Maine : Room 222 B 753-6531
Literacy Volunteers: Room 116 753-6658
Wayfinders School: Room 208E 753-6592