Collaborative Institutional Review Board (IRB)
USM has two registered Collaborative Boards for Human Subject and Biomedical Research, which are available for reviewing external protocols.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
HRPP ensures the protection of the rights and welfare of persons participating in human subject research conducted at or affiliated with USM.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
USM places a priority on ensuring the responsible and ethical conduct of research.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The IACUC reviews and oversees all animal use related to research, teaching, or testing activities to ensure the activities are conducted in compliance with all state and federal regulations and that the treatment of animals is ethical.
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a standing committee responsible for ensuring that research involving a biosafety risk is well planned and ethical.
Financial Conflict of Interest in Research (FCOI)
Researchers are obligated to disclose significant financial interests upon submitting a proposal for external funding or upon a change in financial interest which creates the possibility of a conflict of interest in regard to a research proposal.
Maine Regulatory Training and Ethics Center (MeRTEC)

MeRTEC offers three opportunities for courses and certification for professionals in regulatory compliance education.