The Department of Public Safety at the University of Southern Maine is a full-service law enforcement agency staffed by Maine Criminal Justice Academy certified police officers and communications personnel; the training and authority of our officers are the same given to County, State, and Municipal officers. Our officers are responsible for providing police services on the Gorham and Portland campuses.
Our Police Officers and Communications personnel are augmented by Campus Safety Officers.
Members of the department are specialists, practicing the community policing and service philosophy with a deep commitment to being Student Focused Every Day.
Mission Statement
To create a secure and enriching environment for all members of the campus community. Through a collaborative policing approach and guided by our student-focused, live-work-learn philosophy, we empower every individual to excel academically, professionally, and personally.
Community Policing
The men and women of USM Public Safety promote the philosophy of community policing, which incorporates the principles of partnership, problem-solving, and proactive crime prevention. The members of our community play an important role in our success as a safe university within which to live, work, and learn.
Our Services
We are available to serve you at all times and are dispatched from our headquarters on the Gorham campus.
For non-emergencies, questions, or other assistance, please call 207-780-5211.
For Emergencies, dialing 911 from a campus phone will connect you with Cumberland County Communications who will then dispatch USM PD, dialing 911 from a cell phone will also connect you with Cumberland County Communications on the Gorham Campus or Portland Communications on the Portland Campus.
Emergency call boxes are located throughout both the Gorham and Portland campuses, including in the parking garage.
To learn more about the services offered by USM Public Safety, click HERE.
Click HERE to see the media’s coverage of Public Safety and it’s personnel.
USM Alerts
“USM Alert” is the University’s text and email notification system for emergency alerts, weather closings, and other critical information for the University community.