DO NOT USE THESE FORMS TO REPORT A CRIME IN PROGRESS as the mailboxes are not constantly monitored.

If you are witnessing activity is happening now, please call 207-780-5211 or 9-1-1 in an emergency to report it. If you would like to stay anonymous, tell the dispatcher you are making an anonymous report.

Information provided may be shared between Public Safety, Title IX, and/or Student Conduct but ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WILL BE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Campus Eye- Anonymous Reporting

Anonymous reporting is submitted to USM Public Safety (campus police). Submit any concerns or not-in-progress crimes here.

Title IX Reporting

This report goes directly to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Submit incidents of discrimination or interpersonal violence which will only be shared with Public Safety for the purpose of Clery Statistics (meaning no identifiable information) unless otherwise requested by the victim(s).

Bias Reporting

This report goes directly to the Student Conduct Officer for USM, unless you select “Title IX” for the “Nature of this report”, in which case it will be sent to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Any incidents that do not rise to the level of a crime but break the student code of conduct should be reported here. Incidents that are crimes should be reported to either USM Public Safety (campus police) through Campus Eye or by contacting Public Safety. 

USM Incident Reporting

A staff person will address the issue as soon as possible.

Public Safety Contact Us

This report goes directly to USM Public Safety (campus police). Submit any questions, concerns, or not-in-progress crimes here. This is not anonymous but will be kept confidential.

Regardless of how you choose to report, USM staff will work to provide you with compassionate support and connect you with the appropriate resources.

Additional Resources

Title IX

Health and Counseling Services

Recovery Oriented Campus Center (ROCC)

The Bertha Crosley Ball Center for Compassion