Undergraduate Field Experience & Student Teaching

In the University of Southern Maine (USM) Undergraduate Teacher Education program, we provide classroom field experience earlier and more often than any other teacher preparation program in Maine. In addition to classroom field experience during your first, second, and third years, you’ll spend your final year in a student teaching internship where you’ll gain experience in two different schools or grade levels.

Graduate (ETEP) Student Teaching

In the University of Southern Maine (USM) Extended Teacher Education Program (ETEP), we offer twice as much classroom experience as other graduate programs. Our students gain student-teaching experience in two grade levels, across multiple semesters, providing them with a broad area of practice and a strong sense of which grade they’d like to teach — and leading to success in securing a teaching position.

Paid Internships

There are many options to obtaining paid internships in teaching that will meet program requirements for both undergraduate and graduate students. These include working as an educational technician, conditionally certified teacher or a long term substitute teacher. If interested please contact the Maine Teacher Residency to discuss opportunities.