International travel opportunities

Every year, Tourism and Hospitality students have the opportunity to participate in a travel class as part of the TAH education. Many years students have interned at AAA Northern New England to help plan and execute these travel classes. (A number of interns were then hired by AAA!) Check out some of the travel classes we have completed in the last 5 years.

5 students hiking in Iceland


Students went to Iceland to study how nature and humans (tourism) change the landscape. The focus of this study was to learn how to create sustainable tourism plans for future development. Students also compared to hospitality practices between the USA and Iceland.

Miami & Cuba

One trip to Cuba involved students living on a schooner and studying maritime tourism, creating sustainable tourism development plans. Another trip, students studied Cuban cultural influences in Miami’s Little Havana, along with best practices in hospitality.

4 students stand in front of a cruise ship


Tourism and Hospitality students studied service and operating efficiency while onboard Royal Caribbean’s Anthem of the Seas. Students created excursions while in Bermuda for cruise ship passengers.

Study abroad opportunities

There are also opportunities to study abroad. For more information contact the Office of International Programs. Check out some great semesters our TAH students have completed. 

Taylor Feehan cooking

Perugia, Italy

Taylor Feehan studied at The Umbra Institute in Perugia, Italy in the Sustainability Studies Program having a great time and learning all about Italian food!

Hannah Daigle in front of a ship

Semester At Sea

Hannah Daigle completed the Semester at Sea and had the opportunity to visit and learn in the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Morocco, Ghana, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, Ecuador, and Costa Rica.

Group of students in front of Italian building

Reggop Emilia, Italy

Valerie DeRoehn studied abroad at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (referred to as UNIMORE) in Reggio Emilia, Italy On weekends she also visited London, Paris, Budapest, and Copenhagen.
