Thank you for considering teaching at OLLI. Please complete the form below for volunteer instructors who wish to teach in-person classes.

OLLI at USM course proposal: In-person class (on campus)
Are you new to OLLI at USM?
Are you co-teaching?
Address of Co-Teacher
Address of Co-Teacher

Catalog Details

Is this a repeat course?
Course format (Check all that apply):
Program Topics (Check all that apply):

Local Business Community Outreach?

Will you be having guest speakers from any community business or plan to contact any local entity to request a visit or collaboration?
I understand I need to contact Donna Anderson in advance to discuss my plans (228-8181 or

Do you require/suggest any books? This information will be included as part of your 100 word max in the course description.)

Do you require/suggest books & other materials?

Books/Materials: Please contact Vernon Tarbell at the USM Bookstore (780-4156 or to confirm ISBN and price and to make sure the book is in print.

Classroom / Class size details. (NOTE* The 12 person room is the OLLI library where no media is available.)

MINIMUM number of students for a class is 12. MAXIMUM number of students is determined by room capacities. Please select one:
Will you be using equipment/media? (If yes, be sure to fill out a media request form a week or two before your class starts.)

Preferred Teaching Dates and Times

What is your preferred format? (Course or Workshop)
Select your preferred time slot and format
Check off the date for your fall workshop – First Choice
Check off the date for your summer workshop – First Choice
Check off the date for your summer workshop – Second Choice
Check off the date for your Spring workshop – First Choice
Check off the date for your Spring workshop – Second Choice
Check off the date for your fall workshop – Second Choice
Important question for OLLI scheduling: Will your class run earlier or later than the regular term or course time? (Refer to RFP Course proposal.)
Start Time
End Time
Please state, in words, what your schedule variation will be. (Ex: ‘Start a week late and run 6 weeks’ or ’10 am – noon’.)