Welcome to our new online registration system!
Important! All new and returning members must create new user accounts!
Click the blue button to go to our Registration Home page.
SIG Sign-Ups for Fall 2024 open Friday, September 6th.
Registration Tips
There are two steps to registration
Step 1: Creating a New Account
Step 2. Purchasing your Annual 2024-25 Membership Fee.
Visual Guides Available!
Don’t like reading directions?
Look at the pictures in our visual guides below!
Visual Guides for our new online registration system
Guidesheet 1: Visual guide to Step 1 & 2 Creating a new account & purchasing membership
Guidesheet 2: Password Reset for OLLI Members who took Summer Classes and have paid their membership fee.
Fall Class Registration: Online registration opens on Wednesday, August 21st, at 10:00 am.
Please note our new annual registration fee is now $35
Alternative to Online Registration
The fastest and most efficient way to register for an OLLI class is to use the online registration system. However, if you need a printable version of the registration form, we have provided a link below. Print it, complete it, and either e-mail it to olliatusm@maine.edu , drop it off to the OLLI office in 210 Wishcamper Center, USM Portland Campus, or mail it to OLLI at USM, PO Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104.