The BSW and MSW program of the USM School of Social Work are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
CSWE accreditation is critical for all schools of social work in the United States to guarantee that programs are meeting national standards and adhering to policies for competency-based social work education. A degree from a CSWE-accredited program is required for pursuing licensure in any state.
The BSW program, founded in 1971, had been accredited since 1974, when the national accreditation process was established, making USM’s BSW program one of the earliest in the country to be accredited. The MSW program has been accredited since 2003, following its inception in 2001 and the requisite 2 year probationary review period for new programs. In 2021, both programs were reaffirmed for accreditation until October 2029.